Monday, December 10, 2007

Daddys Thoughts!

Taleah has posted most of the updates on the Blog so i thought that it would be nice to put some of my input as well. I was thinking the other day how it has been 7 years since Taleah and I have been together, and ever since we started dating we always talked about getting married, having kids, growing old together. And then it dawned on me, that all we ever wanted, all our hopes and dreams are coming true. And one of the most special ones is coming true right now, the birth of our baby boy. I am so excited and thrilled about all that has happend through this pregnancy, It truly is a blessing to be involved in something that is so special. I am so greatful that everything has gone so well, and how my beautiful wife grows with a bigger and brighter glow each day. I am her number one fan and I am so proud of her and all the trials she has gone through. She is what this boy is all about. The only thing i have been trying to do is to soak up every minute, take it all in. There is a song called "Dont Blink" By my favorite singer Kenny Chesney. It touches me in so many ways, and i think every one who listens to this song can think back to a time in their lives where they had one of those special moments, and now thinking back how it just flew by and then realize how precious life and all these miracles are and to soak up every moment. I related to this song because it is really hard for me to stop and smell the roses. There's always something else that needs doing, some commitment, some place I have to be... and theres always a reason why its important, But this song reminds me that really living your life needs to happen, because it could all be over, in a blink of an eye. Its something we all need to remember. Life goes faster than anyone thinks. So we should all love one another, get the most of our lives and enjoy the people we're here with. This song was the very first song I played for my baby boy in his mommys tummy. I hope this song means as much to you as it does to me. Always remember "Take every breath God gives you for what it's worth" "Dont Blink".



Taleah Beecher said...

Aww..Honey you are such a sweetheart. How did I get so lucky to have you in my life? I love you with all my heart

Anonymous said...

Dear Cody,
I was deeply touched as I read your comments. I've always been impressed with you, but you showed a side of yourself that I knew was there but wow! We could look the whole world over a few times and know that we could never find someone else more suited for Taleah. As her Father, it gives me such unexplainable comfort to know that you are there for her. I'm so proud of you Cody, for the man that you are, for the husband that you are to Taleah and for the Father that you will be for your son.
With much love
Dad Prete

Mom said...

That was made me cry. What Dad says, dido. Listening to that song, My thought was....

T.P.want to come

Mom :(

Anonymous said...

Hey Cody,

I have always known that Taleah and yourself were meant for eachother through all of school and of course the years after school! I'am so happy for you both and wish you all the best...

You are both very lucky to have eachother and I agree that song is meant for moments like the one your sharing and the many more to come! I love Kenny Chesney!!!

Once again this was very sweet and I hope for all the happiness this world can give to both of you and I'am so excited that everything has turned out so beautifully for you both!!

Luv ya guys