Monday, March 4, 2013

Grayden's turns FIVE!

I remember when he was born thinking 5 year olds were SO old and big and far from babies. Now that my baby is 5 it does seem old but young at the same time. It's hard to beleive when I look at how big he is that he is already 5! This year daddy introduced him into nintendo for something fun that they could do together and something that cody really enjoys. When cody and I were dating nintendo was something that we used to play together and that kept us out of trouble. The first game you played was donkey kong! That was the begininning of your obsession into the Super Mario world. Needless to say you had a BIG donkey kong birthday!!! This theme was so much fun and you absolutely loved it! Mommy went all out once again. You had a big party with your buddies on Friday and the next day with your family! You are one loved little boy.. At 5 Grayden.......... *LOVES donkey kong and super mario *LOVES his daddy!! He is super attached to daddy and loves to exercise with him to impress daddy :) monkey see monkey do! *Loves playing with his friends and being outside *Plays soccer and loves to swim *loves to eat healthy and make good choices *the best big brother and always sharing *his favorite color is blue and green *He wears size 5 in shirts and 5 in pants *wears size 12 in shoes *Likes to be cold never want to wear a coat! *you know your entire alphabet and all the sounds they make (mostly) *Is an on the go active little guy! Does well with alot of exercise to use his energy in productive ways! *loves books! this is somethign he has always loved, since he was brand new! *has a very adventerous spirit, isn't afraid of much and loves to discover knew things!! this is my favorite part about our loveable little guy!

Daxtin turns THREEE

So unbelievable that my baby is 3 years old! You are the cutest, most adorable little boy ever! You make your mommy and daddy laugh all the time and you look so much mommy :) You brighten my day with you sweetness, and then you easily turn around and make it the messiest day ever lol at 3 you..... *Nap time is pretty much obsolete these days :( Every now and then you will fall asleep somewhere but for the most part, it never happens, but by 530 you can be very miserable. *You are such a little trouble maker and you are always makeing a mess lol For example just the other day you pooped on mommys floor, you bent Grays curtain rod, dumped a jugg of milk all over the kitchen floor and that was just in the morning! You definitley make your mommy exhausted by the end of the day, thank goodness your so sweet! * You are SUPER smart! You talk in full complete sentences about anything and everything, you know the complete alphabet and even most of the sounds they make, you can also count to almost 20 *You are still the pickiest eater ive ever had ;) You like to eat pasta, meat, and cheese ......pretty much everyting mommy doesn't cook very often! *you LOVE IRON MAN!! You wear your costume almost always and if your not wearing a costume, you nekid! *YOU LOVE to be nekid! *Your favorite color is purple :) *you love to play hide and seek and wrestle with your dad *You like to sing and you love to wink at people. Its the cutest thing when your turn your face and wink with the cutest little smile! *You love baths and I love it that when ever I turn the shower on to go in you are always right behind me ready to hopp in!! Awe baby boy. Mommy loves you so much. You are my gentle spirit. My soft soul. The hug I always need. The smile I can't wait to see. The giggle I love to hear. The sweetness I can't get enough of! Happy birthday baby boy! I love you to the moon and back! You are an amazing son and we are the luckiest family ever to be chosen as yours! Hugs and kisses my sweet boy. Being your mama for the past 3 years has been an amazing gift and I am so blessed. xoxo Mommy