Saturday, July 23, 2011

Dax is 18 months

Daxtin you are my little ray of sun shine :) You are such a happy little guy! You are very smart and you are such a chatter box. You can say many words, even little sentences. The other day you were on the edge of the bed and wanted down so you said to me "mommy down" You can say pretty much any simple word! Oh and you can now say thankyou all on your own. Very smart boy you are.

AT 18 months old you weigh ALMOST 24 Lbs and 31 1/2" tall. You are in the 25th percentile for both your weight and height.
You love to Push anything and everything with wheels!! Your favorite toy to push would have to be a doll stroller.
Your favourite thing to do is be OUTSIDE. You always say "mommy OUTSIDE, OUTSIDE, OUTSIDE!"! When we try to bring you in it's world war 3!!!
Your eyes have turned completely brown and your hair is starting to go blonde.
You are so much easier than your brother at this age!! (no offence Grayden) You go down for your naps so easy. I remember with Grayden we had to rock him and then we would quietly lay him down and he would immediately wake up and we were back to square one! Ugh I don't miss that. With you I just nurse you, lay you down and leave the room. You cry out "mommy" for half a second and you put yourself to sleep as soon as I close the door behind me. You wake up happy as ever as well. We don't even know your awake until we check in on you and you are just sitting or laying quietly in your room amusing your self or we hear you talking to yourself on the monitor :) Makes me so happy!!

You are very picky with your vegetables!! You still nurse a lot and you LOVE your fruits! I just put a green drink in your sippy cup or make it into a popsicle to ensure your at least getting veggies in somehow. You started using a spoon a couple months ago. Meal time is such a mess and I dread it everytime...blah
We did a lot this month! We did your first big road trip........12hours to Vancouver!! You absolutely LOVED the beach, the ocean, the birds, everything and anything having to do with outside you love.

You also cut 5 teeth this month. Almost all your mollers and an eye tooth! In other words, mommy had had no sleep :) You still love trains and buzz but you have found a new love in Cars. You LOVE cars!!

Well baby boy I can't believe we are half way to your "terrible" twos! CAN'T WAIT :) Happy 18 months!!

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