What is new with you?
You are an absolute (as they say) "TRUE BOY" You are EVERYWHERE these days and get bored of things way to quickly so your off looking for other things to do or should I say GET INTO. I feel like I chase you around all day long..LoL Your not a fan of being inside right now especially with the heat the last few days. So your constantly staring out the window or banging at the door yelling "Mommy" to let me know you want out. AND THEN THE CASING BEGINS haha. Who needs to workout when they have a 17 month old boy!!! It would be a lot easier with a fenced backyard thats for sure.
As much as you keep me on my toes these days I am having so much fun with you. Especially when were outside or inside chasing eachother in a game of tag. Your Auntie's love coming over and playing it with you. (its the only time you will actually run to them so they eat it up) haha
Whats new in our lives ?
We put our house up for sale a couple days ago so hopefully before too long we will be in a bigger home with a fenced backyard. CAN'T WAIT!! Daddy is now a volunteer firefighter out in Irricana. They are putting him through all his courses for free and he is getting so much experience. He just started his 1001 course and he has been so busy. It has been stressful for both of us especially for him since he hasn't been getting a lot of sleep. He goes in 3 times a week and those days he wakes up has supper goes out to Irricana and then off to work for the night. It's a lot but it will all be worth it in the end. After this course and his test he will be a fully trained fire firefighter. He is so excited for this opportunity and hopefully in the next year or so he can get hired on full time.
Cody did something the other day that meant the world to me.
He got home at 10:45 Pm from training at the fire hall and had to hurry to work because the longer he stays at home the longer he has to stay in the morning to make up his hours. He was rushing like a mad man to get ready and stuffed his face with dinner as fast as he could and rushed to get out the door. He gave me a kiss and turned to open the door. All of a sudden he turned around so slowly and opened his arms and waved me over for a big hug. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, "Thank you for being so good to me".... You would have never known he was in a rush at that moment because it meant more to him to take that time and make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I felt so special because I knew how late he was for work but for him to stop and just turn around and do that meant the WORLD to me. It truely is the little things in life that mean so much!!
Thanks Hun for making me feel so loved and special. Grayden you have the best daddy in the whole world and Im so grateful you have him as an example of what a man should be. I am so proud of him!
Mommy is taking you to Vancouver in a few days to visit Nana and Papa for the long weekend. Daddy has to stay home and put in some hours at the fire hall so this will be the first time he has ever been a way from you for more than 24 hours :( He is dreading that time away from you but I think it will be good for him to have some "Cody" time and catch up on some much needed sleep or whatever he wants to do.
I can't wait to go and take you to the beach. I'm more excited for the BREAK than anything haha It will be a nice little vacation for me and it will be nice to spend some alone time with mom and dad.
Well baby boy Happy 17 month Birthday ...(try to slow that down a bit k)
I love you more than you could ever know
mommy & daddy
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