Thursday, May 30, 2013

Croup -OH NO!

So Gray caught Croup for the first time :( That was a scary night for mommy and why is it so hard to see your little ones suffer..UGH! There was a point that I thought I'd have to call the ambulance because I thought he was having a hard time breathing but he was just stressing out and I was told this was normal .... He told me he was fine but I probably should have just called anyway because it would have saved us 4 hours at the emergency room the following day! He wasn't getting better and he was so weezy throughout the day that I really thought he was having difficulty getting enough air and I was afraid of what the night would bring (croup is WORSE at night) so off we went and waited for FOUR HOURS. They gave hime some sort of steroid shot to help the swelling in his throught and we sat there and waited with a bunch of throwing up babies! So glad its over and Im so glad Dax never caught it!!!

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