Friday, May 21, 2010

Happy 4th month Daxtin

Daxtin is 4 months old today and getting bigger and bigger by the minute!
He has changed so much this month its crazy! You can fully support your neck and your back! You have found your feet and love to grab at things (partiicularly your goods) LoL.....diaper changes are so frustrating with you! As soon as we take off your diaper you IMMEDIATELY grab for the goods over and over again..... it looks painful so we have to have two peopel change you or else its pretty difficult to tie your hands down and change you at the same time!

You are such a good sleeper. You usually fall asleep for bed around 9:30/10Pm and you are put in your crib. You wake up around 3am and back to bed until everyone else gets up. I usually bring you back to bed with me because I nurse you and usually fall asleep but sometimes I have the energy to put you back in your crib for the rest of the night. This month you also stoped needing changed during the night. After you eat your right back to sleep and dont complain. Most of the time your diaper feels completely empty as if you don't even go to the bathroom in the night.

Days are getting alot easier with you now that your a little more independent. I can sit you in your bumbo and you watch me cook dinner. You like to just lay on the floor and explore the enviroment around you. Your brother and the day home kids can capture your attention for a while. So its been a little easier for me lately.

You caught your first cold this month too :( You just had a congested nose and a bit of a cough that bothered you at night.

You are such a happy baby!! You love to smile and to giggle and you are so much fun to play with. You love to be interacted with and hate feeling like your alone in the room. If someone walks away from you, You start to cry and its the sadest cry in the world. You love to be held and cuddled! I love that too :)

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