Me at 18 weeks !
I don't have a lot to update on with baby #2 but this pregnancy has been really good. The first 4 months were a lot more difficult this time around. I had never been so exhausted in my life, and I felt a lot sicker with this one but these last few weeks I have felt great. At this point I don't even feel pregnant. I haven't had any cravings (thank goodness) I have had the worst cravings for terrible food that I do not need. I have CRAVED a tropical hawaiin Pizza from panago, a cinnamon bun, a MCchicken, and an ice cream cone. I could not get these foods off my mind....I constantly thought about them and as Much as I said ......"Taleah you are not getting a Mcchicken" I could not stop thinking about it. Once I caved into getting this crap the thoughts were gone.....It was so wierd to me cus I had nothing like that with Gray.
Anyway more exciting news I felt the baby move for the first time August 11th a few days earlier than Gray. It's funny how you wait so long to feel that little flutter or kick and then once you feel doesn't stop. BEST FEELING IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!
We had an ultrasound yesterday hoping to find out the sex but no such luck. She did say she MAY have seen some boy parts but it was too early to tell and baby was in a bad spot. I booked another one Sept 3rd to find out so we will see.
Here is a pic of our little peanut. There's a couple hilarious pics of the face....haha
This one cracks me up!!
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