Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy FIRST birthday Grayden !!!

Well it was a BIG DAY today as Grayden turned ONE years old!! I spent all morning and throughout the day reminiscing what it was like and where I was exactly one year ago today. I kept looking at the clock and thinking to my self....I was driving to the hospital this time, pushing at this time or holding him for the very first time. It was an emotion filled day to say the least. I felt like the proudest mommy in the world today.

We had your party at 1pm over at Grandma and Grandpa Beechers. We had your 1 year pictures just before and then picked up some last minute things like all your balloons and headed to the party. It was so much fun and a lot of your family and friends came out to celebrate. First we played a milestone game where everyone had to guess which month you achieved a certain milestone like...when you cut your first tooth, or sat up for the first time etc. We also played guess how many cheerios are in the jar. After games and visiting we watched your very first slide show that mommy has been working on for a while now. It was such a beautiful moment for me to watch you grow before my eyes in that 10 minute slide show and just another reminder on how fast this year has really gone by. You have grown so much little guy!

So whats new with Grayden this month?
Its true what they say..."Its fun to be one" Gray is so much fun right now, everyday he finds new ways to make us laugh. He occasionally likes to play by himself but even more so with mommy or daddy. If he sees us playing on the computer or watching TV he comes and finds us and whines at us to play. He loves to play with us! His favorite is to wrestle and play rough. HE IS A TRUE BOY !!

This month you have found a new toy in the washroom...the toilet bowl!! Ahh whenever we forget to close the door he rushes towards it and as soon as we say "Grayden NO" he of course goes even faster and stands right up to the toilet and if he's lucky....he splash away in there. He is SOOO fast its unbelievable!! Ahh it is soo grouse!!! Mommy and daddy have got to get that under control and atleast remember to keep the toilet lid CLOSED! oh yah you love to flush the toilet now too.

You are officially a walker! You walk everywhere and prefer to walk rather than crawl to where ever you want to go. You are still a little wobbly but Its so cute to watch you stand there and catch your balance. Your hands are no longer on dirty floors..Yay!! You have started to point to everything. Whenever you want something you point at it and whenever you are walking somewhere you point in the direction you want to go.

You just started giving us this adorable little frown!! Whenever someone does something you don't like or if you don't get your way you give them the cutest little frown and squint your little eyebrows. It is sooo funny right now which makes it hard to stay firm with you when you've done something wrong, We chuckle every time!

You cut another tooth this month right on your birthday! You now have 3 teeth on the bottom and 4 on the top. You eat all sorts of food and there isn't one thing you don't like... you love all your fruits and all your vegetables especially your greens!! I am so lucky your not a pickey eater!! Still nursing just as much as last month and that won't be changing for a while.

You have started to say a couple more words such as BYE, HI and you try to say KIARA but its sounds more like kaahh. You love to open books and point to all the pictures and try to read to yourself with all the rambling you do....It's so cute to watch. This month you discovered your favorite show! You LOVE .... absolutely LOVE "My friends Tigger and Pooh" Every time we turn it on and you hear the theme song you get the HUGEST smile on your face!! It is the funniest thing that you could love a show so much already. You could sit there all by yourself for the entire 30 minutes just watching it. You don't care for any other cartoon except that one. When we rock you to sleep you toss and turn and fuss until we turn on that show and then you immediately stop to watch with a smile on your face. You usually always fall asleep within the first 10 minutes.

Grayden is still sleeping with me at bedtime!!! I know I know...I could be in BIG trouble here!! I usually put him in his playpen and he'll sleep in there for a few hours and then wakes up around 2 and then I bring him in bed with me until morning. He loves sleeping with his mommy probably just as much as I love snuggling with him. He loves to get right close and cosy. They are some of my favorite times with you. I stay up for a few extra minutes just to stare and breathe him all in. I love to smell his baby skin and his sweet baby breathe. I hope those are things I will never forget. He is just so peaceful and still laying there and I don't get many moments like that anymore so I make sure to take a few extra minutes and soak it all in. I will cherish those cuddles the rest of my days.

At one years old Grayden weighs in at 22.2 Lbs and is 28" Tall. You have lost most of your baby fat and looks just so much like a little toddler now. It amazes me to see pictures that were taken just 2 months ago and then to see how much older you look now. You are the most beautiful boy I have ever seen!!
Grayden, one year ago today you changed my world completely. Becoming a mommy has made me look at the world completely different and I have become a much better person because of you. You have opened my heart to whole new meaning of love that I have never known before. The day you were born was the happiest day of my life and this year has been SUCH a blessing. I am so thankful for your health and the joy you bring into mommy's and daddy's lives. I have never been so happy and that is all because of you. Thank-you for the best year of my life!! I hope you always know how much mommy and daddy love you.

Mommy & Daddy

FIVE generations here !!!

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