Tuesday, December 4, 2012

2 1/2 years!

Daxtin is half way to be being THREE today! I have SO been looking farward to this post because you have changed SO MUCH in the last 6 months! Where do I even begin! I cant believe how much you can talk! You can say full sentences and you comletely understand what we want from you. You are such a sweet little spirit (always have been) and you just draw everyone too you! You are a big time momma's boy (what else is new) You want mommy to do everything for you and you have such a hard time when mommy leaves you to go anywhere! I have found that sneaking out when you weren't looking was NOT the best way to go about leaving you. I have realized lately that if I explain to you that mommy is just leaving to do some stuff and that I will be right back-my departure isn't as traumatic as when you find Out I've magically disappeared. Your sad and keep asking me if you can come but then I just tell you to wave at me through the window and you seem to do ok. love when I find things that work in parenting! You are such a picky eater!! You don't really eat anything now that I think about it. *The only vegetables you eat are carrots, sugar snap peas, and sometimes broccoli and cucumber! You love hummus dip. Anything that has toppings you call yucky! *You aren't picky with your fruits (of course) pretty sure you eat any fruit I give you. *Your favorite supper is probably spaghetti *favorite breakfast is pancakes *favorite lunch is grilled cheese and ketchup (i think you'll eat anything with ketchup) *your favorite thing to do is be outside! Everyday of my life "OUTSIDE,OUTSIDE,OUTSIDE" *you love to your ride your bike and anything that has wheels for that matter *your still in love with trains but play mostly avengers with your brother all day and bat man or should I say "dark night backman as daxtin calls it" You go to sleep in your crib but usually wake up and end up in my bed. I must admit you are the BEST alarm clock ever! . COME, MOMMY COOOMMMMEEE, MOMMY COOOMMMEEE right in my face! Its just music to my ears!! Or u start pulling at my arm when your standing beside me in bed and saying as you pull, "wake up mommy, or I dont want to seep anymoe, or go downstairs to play" UGGHHH!!! You say the cutest things!

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