Sunday, April 10, 2011


Tonight I am feeling incredibly blessed in my life! I am so grateful for my family and my incredibly special little boys!!
Gray had a hard time going to bed tonight and just didn't feel ready for bed (he had a 3 1/2 hour nap) So instead of arguing with him I let him come down with us as we watched "the apprentice" he fell asleep on me, so after our show was finished I carried him up to his room. As I tucked my sleeping boy in his bed, I kissed his forehead and whispered "I LOVE YOU". As he laid there with his eyes completely closed, he whispered back "LOVE YOU"

I love moments like that when no matter what else is going on in my life, it pulls me in and reminds me what this life is all about! I came back into my room to watch little Dax sleep and I felt unbelievably grateful to have these precious spirits in my life. That Heavenly father trusted me to care for these little boys. They have taught me so much about life, love, and where to find pure happiness!

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