Monday, February 22, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Grayden !!!

Grayden.......I can't believe we are celebrating your SECOND birthday! Time is flying by so fast and it scares me!

We celebrated your birthday on February 20th and it was of course.....all about DINOSAURS! We had so much fun!! the highlight of the party was the dinosaur piniata !! You had a blast hitting that thing and found it hilarious! I almost didn't buy that thinking you were to young for that but boy would I have been wrong! We opened your prezies after that and you of course were spoiled with gifts and dinosaurs GALORE! We had cake and then watched your second year slide show :)

So what is new now that Grayden is TWO !

We are slowly in the process of trying to potty train you. We have sort of put it on hold for a few weeks just until I feel we are on a steady routine with Daxtin. You actually peed on the potty for the first time on ................ I was so thrilled! ...Well I caught you going in the bath but I could tell you didn't want to pee in there because you were trying to hold it so I put you on the potty quick and you PEED!

You also cut your two 2nd mollers on top! I had no idea but now I realize why we were having a hard time with you at night time a few weeks ago.

You are officially FINALLY sleeping completely through the night!!! THIS IS A BIG ONE! We start getting you ready for bed at 8pm and you are in bed by 830pm. We brush your teeth, read you a story, sing a song, kiss you and tell you we love you, and you turn around and you put yourself to bed! You usually wake up at 6am on the dot and we go in and give you a kiss and you go back to bed until about 8am. So proud of you!!!

You have started to say a few more words.....Gone, All gone, go,go go, All done. Any time you want someone to follow you or to come where you want them you grab our finger and say " Go Go Go"
Your getting there.....slowly but surely!

We have started putting you on TIME OUTS and its no fun! You can be such a stinker sometimes and love to do things you know your not supposed to do. You love to hit the big TV and always look at one of us to see if were watching before you do so. You love to STEAL DAXTINS SOOTHER and watch to see if anyone is watching you. You love to throw your food on the ground...etc..etc. LoL Daddy is definitely the disciplinarian in our house. I discipline when I need to but I have a harder time giving in than daddy does...LoL


Two years ago today you completely changed my life. Everyone knows that mommy has a terrible memory but I remember EVERYTHING about that day! I remember how excited I was that we were finally going to meet you some time that day yet completely nervous and scared that somthing would go wrong or that anything would happen to you. I remember the feeling that came over me when I saw you and held you for the first time and how my heart became yours instantly. I remember the first time you opened your eyes and how proud I was to be your mom. It was an emotioned filled day much like today as I gaze at the clock remembering what was happening at that exact moment two years ago.

You have no idea how grateful I am for you and how blessed I feel to be your mommy! You have me wrapped around your little finger and I could not imagine my life without you. You bring us so much joy and love that I can't begin to describe. I love you more than life itself and there isn't a thing you could possibly ever do that could change that.

Love you to pieces Grayden
Happy 2nd Birthday

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