Tuesday, July 22, 2008

5 Month Update!!

Grayden has grown and changed so much this month! He has become quite the little character and is starting to develping his own little personality. Daddy has spent this entire month with us which has been so nice for Grayden and I. We've kept ourselves pretty busy spending 2 weeks in Vancouver visiting Papa and Nana, we went to fairmont for a weekend and daddy's been developing our basement.

Some big milestones this month:

Grayden rolled over for the first time June 27 and just last week he sat up all on his own for the very fist time (July 17). He's definitely not there yet where I could ever leave him sitting on his own and walk away but he can sit there for a good 2 minutes or so without falling over. Grayden is now in CRUISERS !! thats right... size three diapers! ......What a big boy :)

Grayden LOVES to laugh! It is the most beautiful sound in the world and just makes my day! He thinks Kiara is hilarious! LoL every time she runs by him he just giggles and giggles! its the sweetest thing. Graydens favorite game is PEEK-A-BOO! He giggles so much...especially when you laugh with him. He usually waits until he hears you laugh first before he starts to laugh and he seems to copy the way we laugh. if we just let out a small little giggle so does he, but if we start really chuckling he starts really chuckling.....LoL its pretty funny. Grayden has a favorite toy and his name is LEAP! I think Papa and Nana gave it to him for his shower but he absolutely LOVES Leap. Hes a little frog that sings the alphabet. He has alot of toys but he will always grab leap first and whenever he needs a nap he likes to fight it a bit and whenever we give him LEAP he usually falls right to sleep to the alphabet. I bet his first words will be A-B-C.

Breast feeding has changed a lot this month, as he has become so active. He likes to eat a little, have a look around, eat some more, tell me a story, then eat a little more. He wants to know everything thats going on around him and It has gotten to the point where I can't even have a conversation without him stoping to look at me or the next thing I know he's got milk all over his face.

He seems to be reaching really well for anything that he is interested in. He always sits in his bumbo at the supper table and while we are eating he trys to reach for anything and everything!! He sticks both his arms out and grasps his intended object with both hands, and immediately brings it to his mouth or trys to knock it over. We've had a few cups and bowls that have ended up on the floor. He loves water bottles as well and always reaches for them, I think he just enjoys the sound it makes. I think Grayden is teething :( He has been putting everything in his mouth for weeks now but only in the last 3 has he been really biting on things hard. His cheeks get pretty rosey every now and then and he has been a little fussier than usual. It could still be months before he cuts a tooth but for the mean time he is really enjoying those frozen teethers in his mouth. He also loves this toy we got him that vibrates his gums whenever he bites down on it.

Grayden has been sleeping so well this month. Almost as soon a we got to Vancouver he started to pretty much sleep through the night. We dont have to change his bum in the middle of the night anymore which makes a BIG difference. We used to change his bum at least twice through the night so Im pretty happy about that. He still wakes up a couple times for a short 30 second feeding but falls right back to sleep. He naps about 3 times during the day for about 45mins-1 hr. Grayden loves his sleep. We go to bed around 11 and he doesn't wake up until about noon. I AM TRUELY BLESSED :)

Well thats about all thats new with Grayden this month. I think we are going to start solids here in the next few days. His doctor told me at his 4 month check up that they are starting to recommend solids at 4 months but EVERYTHING that I've read states other wise, that they DO NOT recommend starting any solids before 6 months. That is one thing that I have come to realize since becoming pregnant. To not trust my health to any doctor and that know one knows what's best for your child more than you. I know Grayden wasn't ready for solids at 4 MONTHS OLD.... but the last few days he has started to show all the signs that he is ready to start so we'll see. I plan to make all of his baby food which I am really excited about. I went out yesterday and bought some ORGANIC brown rice for his rice cereal so we'll see how it goes.

Happy 5 month birthday Grayden! There is nothing in this world that I enjoy more than watching you grow like this and learn all these new things . Mommy and daddy love you to pieces!!

5 Month old pictures

What a big boy sitting all by himself for pictures :)

Grayden sitting on his own for the very first time...

Playing in the jolly jumper with his new music mat

My little cowboy :)

The cutest cowboy ever !!

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