Gray said the cutest thing last night that broke my heart. We've been having such a hard time lately putting him to bed without having to lay with him for 20 minutes. We do our usual bedtime routine together as a family Read a book, prayer, cuddles etc. But to leave the room lately with him awake is very rare. Daddy tried to lay with him last night but Gray wasn't having it. Hes fine when Im not home at night but if he knows I'm there thats all he wants. So Cody got kicked out. Gray just said "no, go a way" He was calling for mommy crying "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy"....then all of a sudden he started crying out "mommy, you hear me?! " AWe what a way you break my heart Gray! Well as soon as I heard that I went in to cuddle my boy and he was out it 5 minutes! Way to keep strong MOM!! LoL
Love love Love my boys!
7 years ago