Monday, October 29, 2007

24 weeks today !!

It's hard to believe I have been pregnant for half of a year already!! Where did the time go? February feels so far away but time really is flying by so fast. Baby is growing lots and his kicks are getting so much stronger. We were laying down on the couch the other day watching the hockey game and he was kicking like crazy, so I fliped up my shirt to see if I could see my belly move and there it was bouncin along with him :) It was so exciting and amazing to see that. He loves my right side and Is most active when I get home from work and hop into bed and after supper. I am so loving this pregnancy and feel very blessed everything is going so perfectly. As much as I can't wait for February to get here I am definitely going to miss him being so much apart of me, and feeling his little movements all the time.

Anyway Here is my 24 week Belly shot !

24 weeks

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